
We invite you to watch the news and video coverage of our research presentations. Enjoy!

From Berry curvature multipoles to non-trivially localised electrons—novel insights into the electronic states of kagome metals from electrical transport and scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments’

Check out the video recording of Prof. Jäck’s recent presentation on our research results on Berry curvature multipoles and localised flat band electrons in topological kagome lattices. This presentation was delivered as part of the atomic scale quantum materials colloquium.

November 2023

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We are featured in the IAS cover story

Check out the cover story of the IAS fall newsletter. Our colleagues Prof. Bei Zeng and Prof. Adrian Po at the HKUST department of physics, and Prof. Jäck outline the vast opportunities of quantum information and materials technology. We also discuss the challenges to us as scientists and educators that lie ahead of us. Enjoy!

IAS fall newsletter, 2020

‘Observation of backscattering induced by magnetism in a topological edge state’ at the ‘Princeton March Meeting 2020' conference.

Princeton University, Princeton, 03/2020.

Majorana Strikes Back. Check out our fun video clip covering our Science paper on Majorana zero modes in topological edge states!

‘Observation of a Majorana zero mode in a topologically protected edge channel’ at the ‘Young Research Leaders in Topological Materials and Beyond' conference.

Simons Foundation, New York City, 09/2019.