* notable publication
Emergence of reentrant structural modulations far beyond the thermal limit Nitish Mathur, Guangming Cheng, Francesc Ballester, Gabrielle Carrel, Vincent M Plisson, Fang Yuan, Jiangchang Zheng, Caiyun Chen, Scott B Lee, Ratnadwip Singha, Sudipta Chatterjee, Kenneth S Burch, Berthold Jäck, Ion Errea, Maia G Vergniory, Nan Yao, Leslie M Schoop
arXiv:2409.19783 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] (2024)*Cascade of strongly correlated quantum states in a partially filled kagome flat band Caiyun Chen, Jiangchang Zheng, Yuman He, Xuzhe Ying, Soumya Sankar, Luanjing Li, Yizhou Wei, Xi Dai, Hoi Chun Po, Berthold Jäck
arXiv:2409.06933 [cond-mat.str-el] (2024)
*Experimental evidence for Berry curvature multipoles in antiferromagnets Soumya Sankar, Ruizi Liu, Xue-Jian Gao, Qi-Fang Li, Caiyun Chen, Cheng-Ping Zhang, Jiangchang Zheng, Yi-Hsin Lin, Kun Qian, Ruo-Peng Yu, Xu Zhang, Zi Yang Meng, Kam Tuen Law, Qiming Shao, and Berthold Jäck
Phys. Rev. X 14, 021046 (2024)
*‘Visualizing the localized electrons of a kagome flat band’ C. Chen, J. Zheng, R.-P. Yu, S. Sankar, H.C. Po, K.T. Law, B. Jäck
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043269 (2023)‘Grain size in low loss superconducting Ta thin films on c-axis sapphire’
S.G. Jones, N. Materise, K.W. Leung, X. Chen, J. Zheng, A. Gyenis, B. Jäck, C.R.H. McRae
Journal of Applied Physics 134, 144402 (2023)
Evidence for Isotropic s-Wave Superconductivity in High-Entropy Alloys
Casey K.W. Leung, Xiaofu Zhang, Fabian von Rohr, Rolf W. Lortz, Berthold Jäck
Scientific Reports 12, 12773 (2022)
*Evidence for a Monolayer Excitonic Insulator
Yanyu Jia, Pengjie Wang, Cheng-Li Chiu, Zhida Song, Guo Yu, Berthold Jäck, Shiming Lei, Sebastian Klemenz, F. Alexandre Cevallos, Michael Onyszczak, Nadezhda Fishchenko, Xiaomeng Liu, Gelareh Farahi, Fang Xie, Yuanfeng Xu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, B. Andrei Bernevig, Robert J. Cava, Leslie M. Schoop, Ali Yazdani1, Sanfeng Wu
Nature Physics (2022)
* Detecting and distinguishing Majorana zero modes with the scanning tunnelling microscope
Berthold Jäck, Yonglong Xie, Ali Yazdani
Nature Reviews Physics 3, 541–554 (2021)Microscopic Relaxation Channels in Materials for Superconducting Qubits
A. Premkumar, C. Weiland, S. Hwang, B. Jäck, A.P.M. Place, I. Waluyo, A. Hunt, V. Bisogni, J. Pelliciari, A. Barbour, M.S. Miller, P. Russo, F. Camino, K. Kisslinger, X. Tong, M.S. Hybertsen, A.A. Houck, I. Jarrige
Communications Materials 2, 72 (2021)New material platform for superconducting transmon qubits with coherence times exceeding 0.3 milliseconds
A.P.M. Place, L.V.H. Rodgers, P. Mundada, B.M. Smitham, M. Fitzpatrick, Z. Leng, A. Premkumar, J. Bryon, S. Sussman, G. Cheng, T. Madhavan, H.K. Babla, B. Jäck, A. Gyenis, N. Yao, R.J. Cava, N.P. de Leon, A.A. Houck,
Nature Communications 12, 1779 (2021)Visualizing the multifractal wave functions of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas
B. Jäck, F. Zinser, E.J. König, S.N.P. Wissing, A.B. Schmidt, M. Donath, K. Kern, C.R. Ast,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013022 (2021)
*Tunneling spectroscopy of quantum spin liquids
E.J. König, M.T. Randeria and B. Jäck,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 267206 (2020)B. Jäck,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043031 (2020)* Observation of backscattering induced by magnetism in a topological edge state
B. Jäck, Y. Xie, B.A. Bernevig, A. Yazdani,
PNAS 117, 16214-16218 (2020)
* Spectroscopic signatures of many-body correlations in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene
Y. Xie, B. Lian, B. Jäck, X. Liu, C.-L. Chiu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B.A. Bernevig, A. Yazdani,
Nature 572, 101–105 (2019)* Observation of a Majorana zero mode in a topologically protected edge channel
B. Jäck, Y. Xie, J. Li, S. Jeon, B.A. Bernevig, A. Yazdani,
Science 364, 1255-1259 (2019)
* Quantum Brownian motion at strong dissipation probed by superconducting tunnel junctions
B. Jäck, J. Senkpiel, M. Etzkorn, J. Ankerhold, C.R. Ast and K. Kern,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 147702, (2017)
Sensing the quantum limit in scanning tunneling spectroscopy
C.R. Ast, B. Jäck, J. Senkpiel, M. Eltschka, M. Etzkorn and K. Kern,
Nature Commun. 7, 13009 (2016)Josephson Critical Current in the Dynamical Coulomb Blockade Regime
B. Jäck, E. Eltschka M. Assig, M. Etzkorn, C.R. Ast and K. Kern,
Phys. Rev. B Rap. Commun. 93, 020504 (2016)
Superconducting STM tip in a Magnetic Field: Geometrically-Controlled Order of the Phase Transition
M. Eltschka, B. Jäck, M. Assig, O.V. Kondrashov, M.A. Skvortsov, M. Etzkorn, C.R. Ast and K. Kern,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 122601 (2015)A Nanoscale Gigahertz Source Realized with Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
B. Jäck, E. Eltschka M. Assig, M. Etzkorn, C.R. Ast and K. Kern,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 013109 (2015)
Probing Absolute Spin Polarization at the Nanoscale
M. Eltschka, B. Jäck, M. Assig, O.V. Kondrashov, M.A. Skvortsov, M. Etzkorn, C.R. Ast and K. Kern,
Nano Lett. 14, 7171 (2014)